Monday, November 15, 2010

Fall Craft Bazaar!

Well, SO much has happened over the past few months..... the most important being that baby #4 is on the way. Our little Isabel is due March 4, 2011, and we are very excited. Now that the first trimester is behind us, I have started back in on my crafting and spent this weekend at the Arts & Crafts Bazaar on Ramstein. It was a huge success, considering I had to sew up almost all new products for the event. I will be busy making a few more items to add to my stock for 2 more events coming in late Nov/early December. Then I will go back to custom orders only while sewing up a lot of things for the baby :) For anyone who needs to contact me, please go to my Facebook page via the link on the right, as it is the best way to reach me these days!! As always, thanks for all your continued support!!! :D